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training programs

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A weekend workshop allows us to settle, like a cup of water left undisturbed so as to allow the dust and sand to sift to the bottom. We then get moments of clarity, relaxation, renewed energy and vitality. Yet most of us cannot filter out our life’s contaminants in such a short practice. When we return to our lives, that same dust may be easily stirred back up and reactivated. It takes longer intensive practice to expel the contaminants. When we can elevate our energy level and refine our awareness, we will have the power to expel the contaminants more fully, change our patterns and achieve lasting results. When our “dust” is expelled for good, the trajectory of our life changes.

In the 3-week intensive immersion programs, we may have enough time to “bring the water to boil” so to speak, making a comprehensive jump in energy level. Healing can then take place on all levels: physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual.

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In an intimate group sitting, we can cater to each student’s needs, to move from teaching sessions to energy movements to different meditations, and supplement the practice with Mongolian and Chinese herbal medicine, healing sessions with Jerigtu or Claire, or with other invited healers. The program will intersperse with local cultural and spiritual activities.

In guided practice sessions, teachers scan the students on all levels (physical, emotional, energetic and soul) in order to offer specific instructions and a progression of exercises that will address issues on each level. Through energetic osmosis, teachers help students release into deeper level of relaxation and calm, eventually helping students reach the empty state of being.

Some of the exercises include:

  • Gradually evolving series of energy movements and simple forms to relax the body and the mind, release the coarsest level of blockages, awaken ignored areas, loosen old patterns, dissolve knots, so the sensation of energy flow becomes stronger.
  • Sounds and chanting to further tap into the finer energetic realm, gaining stronger sense of energy of organ systems, and further develop power.
  • Energetic breathing exercises most effective for deep relaxation and rejuvenation, and further release into the finer realms of awareness.
  • Spontaneous movement practice, one of the most powerful exercise for comprehensive releases of physical, emotional and energetic blockages, and waking up the overall energy system.  It is also an effective exercise in connecting with natural spirits in assistance for self healing and developing our healing abilities.
  • Standing, sitting, lying and walking meditations to progress deeper, increase life force, calm the mind, until eventually enter into the finest realm of awareness and connectedness.

Our spiritual journey is not linear, like a gradually increase of life force, but rather it develops in stages. When comprehensive changes happen, we shift entire levels, experience significant jumps in our life force, change our energetic platform, and our spiritual perspective and awareness expand into before unknown realms.

Having a daily practice develops our perseverance, and most especially aids our physical health. But in order to shift levels in our spiritual growth and comprehensive wellbeing, we must not let the “water” cool again and again, but to continue the heat to “bring the water to a boil.” Also supported by a group’s collective energy and tuning into the teacher’s state of being, the student may settle into a deeper state, and venture into greater freedom. When our life force and awareness are both focused and refined to be able to affect the subtle informational realm, long-term chronic conditions, hereditary weaknesses and genetic disorders may be healed.

When we begin to gain momentum in our practice, we can break free from our habitual holding patterns, and are able to sustain the shift with a higher and stabilized energy system. Intensive practice will also encourage body and muscle memory, so we will be able to tap back into the deep healing state more quickly and easily in the future once we return to our daily lives.

1. Specific Exercises:

A. Yi Jin Jing, Sinews Regeneration Classic
“Toughen my sinews, harden my bones,
Make my blood flow freely,
I will then be young forever
In touch with the realm of gods.”
– Canon of the Great Void –

Due to Yi Jin Jing’s effectiveness, it is one of the best-preserved energy exercises of ages. It originated with Bodhi Dharma’s meditation, the founder of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, transmitted through him during his nine-year long meditation in a mountain cave of the Shaolin Monastery. The form immediately improved the Shaolin monks’ health, and enabled them to go deeper in meditation. The form also aligns the spine for the uprising of vital energy, crucial for spiritual development.

Yi Jin Jing coordinates movement, breath, heart and mind to awaken and integrate all into a unified whole. It aims to turn flaccid and frail sinews, tendons and fascia into strong and flexible systems of support, supporting not only the physical structures of bones, muscles and organs, but also enabling the support of life force to flow freely among all systems, i.e. the nervous system, organs, joints, and meridians.

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As the only constant in life is change, the ultimate stability is flexibility to change.  Yi Jin Jing is the practice to address flexibility, both physically and emotionally.  As we age, it is common to lose both physical and emotional flexibility, shrinking and becoming more rigid.  This loss of flexibility would lead to illnesses.  Yi Jin Jing practice increases our flexibility and sense of expansiveness, and counteract the contraction of aging.As the only constant in life is change, the ultimate stability is flexibility to change.  Yi Jin Jing is the practice to address flexibility, both physically and emotionally.  As we age, it is common to lose both physical and emotional flexibility, shrinking and becoming more rigid.  This loss of flexibility would lead to illnesses.  Yi Jin Jing practice increases our flexibility and sense of expansiveness, and counteract the contraction of aging.
Each form in Yi Jin Jing targets a specific organ energy system:

  • Improve quality of sleep, increase clarity of mind;
  • Decrease physical pain and discomforts;
  • Improve joints, vertebra and sinews for better alignment;
  • Cleanse liver and gall bladder to clear many forms of allergies;
  • Improve digestive functions, and alleviate anxiety and persistent worrying;
  • Provide vital energy for overall elasticity and reverse aging.

Historically, the form has been highly recommended for health practitioners to strengthen their own immunity physically, energetically and emotionally.  It helps to increase their own healing powers by the energy they are able to emit.  Not only bodyworkers and energy healers benefit from Yi Jin Jing, but herbalists also greatly benefit from being able to infuse energy into their herbs; and psychotherapists, able to tap into memories stuck in patients’ body, and help them process and clear though energy.

Yi Jin Jing is considered one of the essential classics in Chinese esoteric teachings, alongside of such works as The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic, the foundational text of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yi Jing (I-Ching), the most revered book of divination, and Dao De Jing (Tao Te Jing), the book of Daoism (Taoism).  In the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic, it is stated that there are severe spinal ailments not treatable externally through acupuncture or bone adjustments, but which can be healed through the practice of Yi Jin Jing.


The workshop was a special time with you.   I would like to share some outcomes with you.  On Monday I saw a longtime deep muscle practitioner who has worked on my body for years with expertise in deep muscle and energy work. She said with honest amazement that she had never felt the energy in my body be in such a Quiet state.  Acknowledging that the time with Jerigtu and you was the reason!!   I cannot attribute the cause being: the movements, the meditation, or the peaceful sound of Jerigtu’s and your voices.   It was great, all of the above combined.  I will do my best to carry on and please keep me posted on your coming schedules. 
Very best regards and thank you again, 

Jerigtu said in the workshop that the first movement is great to people who wake up between three to five am. I was one of them. After the workshop though, I have been sleeping through that time. I feel great! Thank you for a wonderful workshop!

B. Zhong Yuan Chan Practice:

This energy practice focuses on strengthening our core, which naturally enable our body to expel all that is foreign in our being.

First we strengthen our gut center, which improves our physical health and increases vital life force. Our connection to earth becomes tangibly felt through flow of energy, We become more grounded and firm in our stance. Our sense of security, our ability to trust and persevere is strengthened. It provides us the necessary foundation for our continuing development.

This energy will also help us open our connection to the sky. With enough energy, or life force, accumulated in the lower energy center, an energetic explosion sends life force up the spine. This strong energy will strongly expel stagnations and blockages in all levels, physical, energy, emotional or spiritual, and it rises up to open our heart center.

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In opening the heart center, we start to sense the strong flow that is life, that is nature, and we have a sense of being able to go with the flow that is life. There’s an ease that happens in meditation that spreads out into our daily lives. Our heart opens to other human beings and living things. We start to feel what they feel and gain a deep empathy for where they are. There’s a strong tangible communication that is established. And in this process we gain more joy, compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and others. Our mind is calmer, our intention purer, and our energy stronger. We begin to understand how to manifest from within to without.

As our life force naturally rises up to the upper energy center, it starts to light up the inside of our head, and then our entire body. It starts to activate our ability to see beyond the physical world, beyond this realm, beyond time and space. And we start to get a greater perspective on what life is; we begin to understand the cause and effects in life, and about karma. This is life wisdom. We begin to understand the web of connections and all that it took for a soul to be where it is, right here right now. We gain a deep sense of peace.

And as our life energy continues to rise and opens our connection to the universe, we see where we’ve come from and where we’re going. We see the big picture of who we are, and we are no longer afraid of our physical death. We understand that all arises out of Emptiness and we are One.

C. Music Creation Therapy

 A creative process is used in this therapy to access healing on all three levels of our being, or it can be focus on one level to deepen healing:

1. Express our emotional flow as a stream of consciousness, releasing the mind’s control, relinquishing the “story”, and allow the flow come directly from the heart, as pure sensations and deep feelings. Let the words be colors and feelings rather than linear and “logical”. Go into the depth of our emotions to clean what’s being held. This is a process of releasing on the conscious level.

2. Then meditate to a deeper level of calm, access vibrations as musical tones that correlate the flow of emotion. Feel the vibrations as subtle movements through our body as energy. This is a process of releasing on the subtle subconsciousness level.

3. The words and melody form a song, which is our personal mantra or prayer for healing. Musical tones correlate with different organ systems and emotions can help lead to self-diagnosis. When we know our weaknesses and strive to be on key and stable, we are fine tuning our organ systems into balance and harmony.

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When we engage our body to sing, we may feel it reinforcing the release and rebuilding our core strength.  It becomes our embodied practice to shed old patterns and engage in the integrity of our true self.  This is a process of releasing and re-integrating on the “unconscious” body-energy-soul level.

Breathing itself is an energetic practice, especially in singing.  Opening the jaw relaxes tension around the back of the head, so our awareness can drop from the mind more easily into the body; relaxing the throat to trust and openness, not holding back; releasing the upper chest as a way to step forward into the light of the world to represent ourselves to the world; connecting to our heart in the flow of breath; keeping our heart open and pulsating with the musical vibrations and our expression; allowing our stomach to breath with openness, and sustain a cycle of give and receive with the world; deepening our breath into our gut, our pelvic region and our legs for ultimate trust and sustained support.  

Claire continues to explore in this direction of healing, as she continues her own healing through her unique approach with Music Creation Therapy.  We will also invite Mongolian music and sound healers to use throat singing, Mongolian yodeling and Shamanic drumming to deepen our awareness and connection to energy, breath and spirit in our body.

2. Results from the Practices:

  •  Calm the busy mind, and begin to let go of old constrictive patterns
  • Through many simple yet effective approaches to be able to come into our body, become fully embodied, and activate the healing process
  • Experience a state of relaxation and deep calm one may not have known existed before
  • Tap into the energy realm to rejuvenate and regenerate, increasing overall organ systems’ functioning to be healed
  • Increase vital energy level, improve memory and clarity, improve immunity
  • Light up the subconscious and unconscious emotional blocks, blindspots and inherited patterns in physical and energy bodies for comprehensive release
  • Expand awareness and perspective, tap into the informational and soul realm, gaining wisdom of life
  • Know our true self, our soul’s purpose, and tap into intrinsic joy of our life’s creation
  • Viscerally experience all is One; One is all
  • Integrate the abiding awakening into our daily life

3. Who are the Programs for:

  • Individuals pursuing healing for themselves, their family, and their friends in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms;
  • Students pursuing the origins of Shamanic spiritual practice;
  • Practitioners and healers interested in this ancient way of working with our origin—our souls—in our embodied being, through energy (life force or qi), and emotions, Energy and Soul Psychology;
  • Individual or groups desiring a reset, a rejuvenation retreat in a place where the mind calms, the heart opens and our life force awakes and regenerates;
  • Individuals and groups interested in environmental preservation, wanting to turn ideas into daily practices in this sustainable culture most connected to earth;
  • People from the industrialized, urbanized, and the agricultural world, wanting to return to our original simplicity, one that is pre-consumerist, pre-dualistic, that brings us back to our true self, and the Oneness.

4. Other Programs: Professional Healer’s Program:

Healing abilities naturally come about in our practice, developing: Healing abilities naturally come about in our practice, developing:

  • Energy in our hands to be able to scan and heal;
  • Second heart opening to fully feel and understand clients’ symptoms;
  • Third eye opening to be able to trace the cause of ailments, receive imagery beyond time and space.

We develop abilities to scan, trace stages of the ailment, and heal physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually.  We will offer intensive programs of Shamanic Healing and Energy and Soul Psychology specifically for healers and people who would like to do healing.

Extra Curricular Activities:

The name of this region in Inner Mongolia is translated as “The King’s Tribe”. It holds the Golden Lineage in the Mongolian Shamanic traditions. We will offer other activities including: visits to spiritual sites in the region such as the ancient rock carvings that date from more than 7000 years ago; visits to sacred mountains where shamanic rituals were historically held; visits to Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and participating in spiritual ceremonies; walking the land where the earliest jade dragon totems were found from more than 5000 years ago, connecting with the spiritual animals of dragons, wolves, deers and many others.

In osmosis with the Mongolian nomadic way of life, we will practice bringing the inner awareness developed through energy meditations into daily life. There are specific areas of training in the Mongolian traditions. These opportunities include bringing meditative flow in walking the grassland and desert and identifying and collecting energetically potent herbs. Other traditional Mongolian outdoor activities include: training in single focus relaxation and pureness of intent through archery; training in breath in Mongolian traditional singing; training in rooting energy through Mongolian style wrestling; training in empathic connection through horseback riding and care taking of animals; participating in local celebrations for all of these activities.

Learn the simplest way to prepare food, including traditional cheese making and meat preparations so as to retain their most natural qualities, and vegetable and fruit combinations that highlight their medicinal qualities.

There are also special evening celebrations on occasion with Mongolian music and dance, throat singing, melodic long yodeling, horse violin and other traditional instruments, and shamanic trance dancing.

At our Shamanic Retreat Center, we will offer an intensive program to best support your healing and self-development journey. We will also provide a well-rounded array of extracurricular activities, so participants may feel immersed in this ancient culture by gaining first hand experience in the nomadic traditions.