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The documentary is on the history and traditions of the Wengnute Qi (Ogniud Qi) county our Shaman Retreat Center is located in.  On this landscape:
  • One of the most ancient cultures of harmony and sustainability is still practiced today by the nomadic Mongolians
  • Hundreds of rock carvings from more than 7,000 years old are scattered in the mountains of this area, symbolizing ancient Shamanic deities who are early incarnations of the Buddhas or realized teachers.
  • The largest and most ancient jade dragon totem ever found in China, a national treasure some 5,500 years old, was discovered right by Jerigtu’s village, minutes to our Shamanic Retreat Center, indicating the region’s importance in the dragon deity’s origins.
  • The birth place of the Qidan (Kauai, Cathy) tribe, and their most sacred mountain is only forty minutes away from the Center.
  • The settlements around this mountain between two rivers are from the most famous Shamanic lineage, Genghis Khan’s Golden lineage, and the land is named “The King’s Tribe.”
This video is an excerpt edited from the original hour-long documentary on CCTV.